⚡️ Let's turbocharge care and support

For less than a price of a coffee, Carerealm stands out as a cloud-powered platform designed to streamline care recording and management for care and supported living.

Person centred
Every utility in Carerealm is designed to put the supported individual centre stage, making paperwork finally feel bespoke.
Super fast
Carerealm harnesses powerful scaling cloud tech combined with next gen web technologies to keep things feeling snappy.
Secure platform
Carerealm built on industry standard web platforms designed to be backed up, secure and reliable.
Permission based
Add, edit and configure all of your own user accounts and areas, to ensure only those that need access have access.
Device agnostic
Carerealm is 100% web based and designed to function across a whole range of internet enabled devices, big and small.
Custom form builder
Create your own forms and surveys with our easy to use form builder and capture the right results each time.
Diary templates
Create your own diary templates to suit your needs and ensure everyone is recording the same information.
Form history
Dive into the history of any form and and filter down the results to find exactly what you're looking for.
Dark mode
Carerealm supports dark mode, so you can work in a way that suits you (even at night).
System backups
With continuous database backups and amend only systems, Carerealm can undo those mistakes.
Historical data
Your data is always securely saved and archived as long as you have an active account, so you can always go back and find what you need.
Cancel anytime
We don't believe in contracts, so you can cancel your subscription at any time. We'll be sad to see you go though.

and much more inside...

Evaluate continually

Daily Diary

The daily diary is a powerful tool that allows you to record and track the daily activities of the supported individuals in your care. It's a great way to keep track of what's happening and when.

Diary templates.
Set a diary template to ensure everyone is recording the same information each time.
Lock down your diary.
Configure backwards, forwards and same day entry restrictions to ensure your diary is always up to date.
Continuous entry mode.
Keep the diary open for a whole day to allow for continuous entry where each entry adds to the next.
Product screenshot

Configurable data capture

Custom Forms

Build your set own set of bespoke forms, share with supported individuals and staff, and capture the data you need.

Form notifications.
Send a message and copy of the form entry to a staff member when a form is submitted.
Public forms.
Capture data outside of your organisation such as to parents by sharing a public form link.
Form exporting.
Export all your entry data to CSV and manage your data in your favourite spreadsheet software.
Product screenshot

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Find out more about what Carerealm can do for you and your organisation. Or sign up and get going right away with a free trial.